Being assigned a spot on the couch used to mean preparing for a sleepless night, but the sleeper sofas of today are more comfortable than they were in years prior. Now when you have additional guests and not enough beds, your sleeper sofa is a viable option.
Ensure your sleeper sofa is prepared for any season with a piece from Four Seasons. With its slipcovered sleeper sofas, Four Seasons offers customizability and function. Slipcovers make things easy to clean and maintain, and they’re perfect for rooms that get a lot of use. Find all of the Four Seasons’ furniture on the 2nd Floor of Building 8.
Sink into comfort with a sleeper sofa from King Hickory. This brand is known for its traditional styles that come in at a fantastic price point. Take a look at the selections from King Hickory in Building 8.
Combine comfort and durability with a sleeper sofa from Taylor King. Taylor King offers traditional and transitional styles of enduring quality. With their memory foam mattresses, a night on the sofa doesn’t have to mean aches in the morning! Visit Building 6 to bring home a piece from Taylor King.
Keep the style of your living room as you like it, but add more functionality with a sleeper sofa. With the numerous sleeper sofa selections, you do not need to compromise aesthetics for utility. Visit one of Green Front’s three locations to find the sleeper sofa right for your home!